Monday, September 14, 2009

Couples baby shower

At the end of August my sister in law and brother threw us a super fun BBQ Couples Shower for our new arrival of Brooklyn . It was great to see everyone, and we were so glad to have all of the family/friends together for the afternoon! What a fun time of catching up and laughing over all the crazy games we played.

Thank you to my awesome sister in law Kimm and her friend Carey for being so creative on the decorations. You really should change professions :) That was by far the best shower I had ever been to, and thanks again for all the yummy food!! Oh those cupcakes are still fresh in my mind.

Caden and Daddy in St. Louis without mommy

Caden and Brandon went to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago for Brandon's mom stone dedication. I wish I could have gone, but I was just too far along in my pregnancy to fly. They had such a great trip and I'm so proud that Brandon did all that by himself. He was worried about flying with him alone and Caden did awesome.... as usual!

Playing with the seat belt while daddy sets up his car seat
Hey Daddy!
Playing at the park with the family
Looks like your at Imo's pizza....Yummy
Looks like you're having fun
With Cousin Dillon playing
Chasing Dillon.
He just loved Aunt Connie's cat Skippy. Wish I was there!
Caden and Dillon hanging out! I love this picture