Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fun with paint and our hands

Brookie and I headed to the sawdust factory on Friday. Originally my plan was to take each kid on their own day, but when the owner suggested we do a picture frame with both kids hands on it for Brandon's upcoming birthday, I had to go pick up Caden from school and bring him back to do his hands for the frame too. :) it turned into such a fun morning, because I had the owner (Heidi ) all to myself, since no one else was there.... she's amazing and full of great ides!
First Brooklyn did a kitty cat and helped paint the cardinals frame with me. She had so much fun, and loved helping me paint. She got tired of sharing her brush with me, and pointed to all the other brushes and said "go". I took the hint that she wanted us to each have our own brush and paint :)

It was getting close to the time to pick up Caden from school, so we left our unfinished projected and ran over, got Caden and ran back just in time for Caden to get his hands traced and cut before the man left who cuts the wood (her husband) left. Phew!

He picked out a spider and off to paint he went. Caden let Brookie help with painting as well, since he's a great big brother who is learning to share. This little girl loves to paint and color too!!

Here's out finish project and we can't wait to give the frame to Brandon on Friday. We're going to stop by his work that afternoon and bring a cake and do a quick celebration before we kick off his birthday weekend! Hope he loves the I need to find some cute pictures of the kids in Cards gear!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh Joy!

The joy my kids bring to life! I'm truly blessed beyond words. Thank you god!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Fall, but no sign of it getting cold soon

I just love this time of year. Yummy flavored coffee creamers, pumpkin latte, halloween, football, Caden's soccer, my crockpot, and of course colder weather. Well not really where we live. Kind of sucks because today I went out and did a little shopping and found tons of cute sweaters,boots and long sleeve tops. I bought a few knowing it would be a while till I wore them, but maybe it'll be sooner than later:-) leopard is the color or pattern I saw most but not sure how to pair it up with something other than black and red. I gotta check out some magazines for ideas!
Looking forward to bringing out my fall decorations tomorrow!