Monday, September 14, 2009

Couples baby shower

At the end of August my sister in law and brother threw us a super fun BBQ Couples Shower for our new arrival of Brooklyn . It was great to see everyone, and we were so glad to have all of the family/friends together for the afternoon! What a fun time of catching up and laughing over all the crazy games we played.

Thank you to my awesome sister in law Kimm and her friend Carey for being so creative on the decorations. You really should change professions :) That was by far the best shower I had ever been to, and thanks again for all the yummy food!! Oh those cupcakes are still fresh in my mind.

Caden and Daddy in St. Louis without mommy

Caden and Brandon went to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago for Brandon's mom stone dedication. I wish I could have gone, but I was just too far along in my pregnancy to fly. They had such a great trip and I'm so proud that Brandon did all that by himself. He was worried about flying with him alone and Caden did awesome.... as usual!

Playing with the seat belt while daddy sets up his car seat
Hey Daddy!
Playing at the park with the family
Looks like your at Imo's pizza....Yummy
Looks like you're having fun
With Cousin Dillon playing
Chasing Dillon.
He just loved Aunt Connie's cat Skippy. Wish I was there!
Caden and Dillon hanging out! I love this picture

Friday, August 14, 2009


The time has finally come! We close on our house next week and tomorrow we're going to sign all the papers. I am so excited to finally be a homeowner again. As much as I love the rental house we're in now in Torrance and the wonderful quite neighbors we've had It's going to be nice to finally have something that’s all ours. This comes at such a crazy time in our lives, with the baby on her way, and Brandon with his new job (which it's been a month and he loves it already) but I couldn’t be more excited. I am really looking forward to decorating it and making it our home. I’ll be updating with pictures as we do more and more to the house. First paint and then landscaping!!

Front of House!
Formal living room on left as you just walk into house
Fromal dining room on right just as you walk into house


Family Room

Loft upstairs that will be used as a play/sports room
Looking into our bedroom from the loft
Master bedroom
MY Reading room! Hope I can find time to go there alone
Master bathroom
Ah, and the tub. Can't wait!
Pond....Not sure what to do with this? I would like it taken out just because of the kids

View from balcony of Mt. Baldy

Look how close we are to the mountains :)

Hot Dog!

This is what happens when he doesn't eat his dinner! It was time for bed time and we were getting his bath ready when he walked over and handed me the bag of hot dog buns and said "More Please"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Baby coming soon!

So excited!!! Baby Brooklyn is due in 6 weeks and 5 days. I AM so ready to meet her. I wonder who she's going to look like? Maybe she'll actually look like her mom who has carried her for this many months, but if she looks like Brandon that's okay too :) I just want a happy, healthy little girl!

I wish I had a good profile picture of me to show how far I am, but I can tell you that I'm all belly that's for sure...

Cool Cat!

I'm cool in my new shades!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visit with Great Grandma!

Today we drove out to Fullerton to have lunch with my grandma. I was really looking forward to it since we haven't seen her in a little while. When we arrived it was a different story. The minute she opened the door I knew something wasn't right. She looked so weak and not her usual self. I know she's 96 years old, but she is always so full of spunk!!!

We visited in her room for a few before heading down to the dinning room, which I must say the food isn't so bad for a retirement home. She seemed very dizzy and seemed a little confused as we walked down...... I had to hold back my tears. It's really hard to watch her age like this. I suggested to her that she get a walker or a wheel chair because I was afraid that she might fall, and she was not happy to hear that. She is very independent and said to me, I'm going to walk as long as I can...."I don't need any of those things"! I can't blame her either.

Lunch was nice and as always it's nice to catch up on what's going on in our lives.

After lunch Caden and Brandon took a nice walk around the grounds so the older people could see him. The people there love kids and Caden loves visiting with them too! He even got a balloon :) We visited for a little bit in her room before it was time to head out. Caden was having way too much fun with grandma's phone that I was afraid he might call 911.

I really want to make an effort to see her more often, It's so hard to see her like that, but I know I don't have a lot of years left with her.

Caden with his Great Grandma Becker!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer fun in the backyard!

Gotta fill it up!

All done!