Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 is going to be a good year!

I've been really bad about blogging. I was so excited to get into it and then I had a baby and bought a new house and put blogging on the side.

2009 was a pretty good year, we did a little traveling, bought our new home and of course got ready for miss Brooklyn to arrive who was born September 20, 2009.

But 2010 is going to be the year for the Raphael's!! We have a lot going on so far. Brandon and I joined the gym it's right up the street from us and we had no reason not to join! I'm enjoying the classes they offer and Brandon is taking advantage of racquetball. We're excited to have Brandon's parents come and visit us in March!! We're in the process of planning a family vacation. We're pretty much set on Hawaii, however a disney cruise sure sounds fun with kids!!

And lastly of course enjoying the kids, our new home, and our awesome neighborhood!!! Can't wait :)

Here are some current pictures!

Caden offering his sister Brooklyn some popcorn!
Playing at the park
Happy 4 months Miss Brooklyn!

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