Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If you only knew Caden

So Caden has a favorite blanket and bunny. These 2 items are so important to him, and he doesn't let anyone touch them (including his little sister) or even let you wash them. It's sad, but I have to sneak them away to wash them, and when I do he totally knows that they've been clean. So the other day Caden was outside washing the car with his daddy. Before he went outside he put both of them on the steps and went out. I was in the other room and I could hear Brooklyn laughing and making funny noises, I walked over to check on her and found her with a BIG smile and these 2 items in her hand. HAHA I couldn't stop laughing because she's always trying to steal them, and he never lets her, and she finally got them!!!!

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