Sunday, September 5, 2010

Caden's off to preschool

I'm a little behind on posting this. Caden officially started preschool August 24th. The first day was a meet and greet. He met his teachers, friends, and saw his classroom. He loved it so much that when it was time to leave he didn't want to go.
Thursday was the day he'd be going to school without mommy and daddy. The night before I put him to bed, we talked all about what he was going to be doing, and how much fun he was going to have at school!
That morning when I dropped him off he was so excited. We did our usual goodbyes which is nose kisses, butterfly kisses, kiss, and then hug. Then he turned to me and said "Bye Mom" I about lost it when he did that. Guess it was time for Brooklyn and I to leave, even though I kind of wanted to stay for a few more minutes. He was so confident and happy that It almost made me feel like he didn't need me anymore (even though I know he does) I walked out of the school in tears even after telling myself that I wasn't going to for months! I am so happy I have Brooklyn to spend that time with now.

As of today, he is still loving it and is really enjoying all the new things he's learning. The school has been telling me that he's a very independent little boy for his age, and how well he's adapted, like he's been coming here for years now. That sure makes me a proud mommy!! Brooklyn has been enjoying all the attention, but when it's time to pick up Caden she is soooooo sooooo happy to have her brother back home!

Looking at his shadow
Ready for school!
In front of his school!
Caden showing his backpack off to his teachers
Mommy helping trace Caden's hand for his family tree
Look at my family!!!!
Getting to know his teacher Mrs. Allen
Are you there Maw Maw and Paw Paw?
The school rabbits!

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