Monday, August 2, 2010

What we've been up to

The end of July has been so nice and relaxing, don't get me wrong I enjoy being busy, but sometimes it's nice to just hang out.

This last week we finished up Caden swimming class at the Claremont Club. I really enjoyed taking him and seeing how much he enjoyed being in the water. He wasn't afraid, and he actually surprised me on how much he just wanted to try and learn to swim on his own. So proud of my little fish :) I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer in the pool!!!

Our weather has been on the cooler side, so we've been able to enjoy being outside more :) Friday we had dinner at home and then heading out for a walk to get some Ice Cream (which by the way if you live in Upland or Rancho you gotta try Yogiyo Frozen Ice Cream) After we enjoyed that, we thought it would be fun to walk over to Pet Smart to check out the fish and birds. Caden loved talking to the birds, and Brooklyn was really excited to watch the fish swim all around. I get a feeling she's gonna want a fish as her first pet. This little girl goes crazy when she gets near a fish tank or aquarium :)

After that we headed back home. We started walking, and then I said lets run home. Brandon looked at me like I was nuts...He said, we just had ice cream, and now you want to run home. So we did and It felted so good. Since I've been working out I feel like I need another challenge besides my weight training. I've been kind of thinking of running in a 5K Marathon. Not sure when or where, but I think it would be really great for us to do this together. I hate running, but think this would be fun. So, on my off days I've been trying to run outside with the kids. I ran a mile the other day and about died. Pushing Caden and Brooklyn in that double stroller is hard work. I have to thank my Ipod and the kids snacks for helping me get through it. The funny thing is running a mile on the treadmill is super easy for me, but try adding the kids weight and a few toys and WOW that's a work out. I'll keep you posted if that 5K Marathon really happens :)

Lots of fun things are coming up. Caden starts school on the August 24th :-O He's excited and so am I. We've got the potty thing down...Yahoooooo! Then in September it's my (~~cough~~ 32nd birthday) YIKES!!!! Then it's Brookie's 1st birthday, I can't believe it, my baby girl is turing the big 1. I'm really excited that Larry and Laurie will be in town for that!! We'll be planning a small birthday party with mostly family and a few friends. Then in October Brandon's brother Ryan and his son will come and spend a weekend with us. The kids will have sooooo much fun. November we'll be going to St. Louis for Thanksgiving, and looking forward to that. It's been, I think 4 or 5 years since we've been there for Thanksgiving, so Brandon is so excited to finally be home for what is his favorite holiday!!!

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