Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mama needs a vacation but these things keep me happy

**Update on Caden** We're on day 5 of potty training. Wow, this morning I was about to give up (not really, but thought about it for a half of second). When he woke up this morning we went in to do our normal "let's go potty" and he refused. He said he can't, and didn't want to, after talking about how he was a big boy, and that they don't let you wear diapers to preschool, and how he gets a gummy, and so on with all the positivity I could give him, finally 20 minutes later he finally agreed to go. Uh, so frustrating!! But reminding myself to be patience kind of helps!!!

Then it was time to head to the gym, I reminded him that when he had to go potty that he let one of the ladies there know (he knows them well). After an hour I came back and didn't see him, one of the ladies told me that he was going potty. So excited, I walked over quietly to the bathroom, peeked my head in, and sure enough he was washing his hands since he had just finished going potty. OMG, you have no idea how excited I was. Right there in the bathroom we started doing the potty dance, and he ran out and told all the kids...What a huge boost this was for him and for me. Now I know that he gets it, and he just need to go and do it himself, or tell someone that he has to go potty :-)

Things I love...that make me happy!

Skinmate Moisturizing Cream Shave
Gillette Venus Razors
Reef Sandals
Sabra Hummas
Galeo's Miso Dressing
SmartPop! Popcorn
Crystal Light Pure Fitness
Packin' SMART snack containers for my kids
Kate Spade Stevie handbag
Champion sports bras and fitness pants
Gummy Bears
OPI Nail colors


  1. Lovely to be on your list of things that make you happy. I was surprised the Potty Dance wasn't on it!


  2. I know, i did forget that, huh!

