Saturday, July 25, 2009

Visit with Great Grandma!

Today we drove out to Fullerton to have lunch with my grandma. I was really looking forward to it since we haven't seen her in a little while. When we arrived it was a different story. The minute she opened the door I knew something wasn't right. She looked so weak and not her usual self. I know she's 96 years old, but she is always so full of spunk!!!

We visited in her room for a few before heading down to the dinning room, which I must say the food isn't so bad for a retirement home. She seemed very dizzy and seemed a little confused as we walked down...... I had to hold back my tears. It's really hard to watch her age like this. I suggested to her that she get a walker or a wheel chair because I was afraid that she might fall, and she was not happy to hear that. She is very independent and said to me, I'm going to walk as long as I can...."I don't need any of those things"! I can't blame her either.

Lunch was nice and as always it's nice to catch up on what's going on in our lives.

After lunch Caden and Brandon took a nice walk around the grounds so the older people could see him. The people there love kids and Caden loves visiting with them too! He even got a balloon :) We visited for a little bit in her room before it was time to head out. Caden was having way too much fun with grandma's phone that I was afraid he might call 911.

I really want to make an effort to see her more often, It's so hard to see her like that, but I know I don't have a lot of years left with her.

Caden with his Great Grandma Becker!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer fun in the backyard!

Gotta fill it up!

All done!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sea World San Diego

Last weekend we headed down to San Diego for a fun last minute getaway! Well, it didn't start off the way Brandon and I had hoped for. Unfortunately on Thursday night around 3am Brandon and I both woke up with the worst stomach ache ever. Not long after that, both of us were throwing up and it didn't stop till Friday evening. We knew we had food poisoning since we both had McDonald's fries the night before, and we commented to each other on how we didn't feel so good after eating them. I won't be going back there for a long, long time which is good since I don't go there very often anyway.

By Saturday late morning we were both feeling much better so we decided to head down to S.D! We met my family at Sea World and of course the first stop was to see ELMO, not Shamu, but ELMO, just for Caden. Their Sesame Street Bay of Play was so cool and so perfect for Caden, lots to do for his age!!

Sunday we took our time checking out of the hotel and headed to Seaport Village for some lunch and shopping, and then it was back home to Torrance. It really turned out to be such a fun weekend!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July!

We started the day very low key, since we knew we would all be up late. Brandon took Caden to the donut store for the first time. I thought Caden would have gone crazy over having a donut but, no he took one bite and then was over it....typical though.  After a real breakfast we went and played outside for a little while. He really enjoys playing the backyard these days!!

Later that day after Caden had his nap, we headed over to my brother's house to start the fesivities!!! Tons of yummy food, pool time, dancing, more yummy food, playing and then fireworks! We had a wonderful 4th of July spending with family and friends.

Daddy showing Caden how to blow bubbles
Now Caden's turn :)

Ernie showing Caden how to play the drums!
Dancing....Let's get this party started!!
Time for dinner
Hanging with the girls!

Time to head home!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Being silly

Enjoying some mashed potatoes!

How about a facial guys?

This is what happens when you let him play with stickers...
Can I have a lick daddy???

Things that make me happy =)

I know things have been a little stressful lately so I thought I would take a quick break to blog about things that make me happy. :) I will be listing these in no particular order....

Waking up to Caden's big smile
Kisses from Brandon
That we are having A GIRL!
Clean sheets
Glass of wine (even though I can't have one now)
Sunflowers and tulips
Ice Cream
Reality shows
Gossip magazine
Living in California
True friends
When the baby kicks
My Iphone
Walking OUT of the YMCA after a good workout
Brandon's silliness 
Caden's hugs
Caden talking
The smell of Caden after he just had a bath or shower
Chanel sunglasses
A clean house
Looking at old pictures
When Caden says mommy
A well cooked meal by ME :)
My camera
My MacBook

I'm sure I can think of a lot more, but that's all I got now! :):)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Caden's goes to his first birthday party!

I would love to post our pictures from the 4th of July, however I forgot my camera at Kimm and Chris house :( Thank god I had my point and shoot camera here at home to use for today.

Today we were off to Placentia for Dave's 4th birthday (Allison and Chris son) at Chuck E Cheese. We had a great time!! 
Hey how you doing!!!!
Playing Deal or No Deal
Having a bit of cake
Birthday Boy Dave!!!
   Playing with Mommy
Trying to reach for Daddy!
Playing a game
Birthday Boy Dave!
Caden enjoying a sucker after we got home
       The Boys!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July 2008

           Happy 4th of July! 

I leave you with this adorable picture of Caden and daddy last year at the Huntington Beach Parade. Look how small he was at 6 months!