Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Things that make me happy =)

I know things have been a little stressful lately so I thought I would take a quick break to blog about things that make me happy. :) I will be listing these in no particular order....

Waking up to Caden's big smile
Kisses from Brandon
That we are having A GIRL!
Clean sheets
Glass of wine (even though I can't have one now)
Sunflowers and tulips
Ice Cream
Reality shows
Gossip magazine
Living in California
True friends
When the baby kicks
My Iphone
Walking OUT of the YMCA after a good workout
Brandon's silliness 
Caden's hugs
Caden talking
The smell of Caden after he just had a bath or shower
Chanel sunglasses
A clean house
Looking at old pictures
When Caden says mommy
A well cooked meal by ME :)
My camera
My MacBook

I'm sure I can think of a lot more, but that's all I got now! :):)

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