Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sea World San Diego

Last weekend we headed down to San Diego for a fun last minute getaway! Well, it didn't start off the way Brandon and I had hoped for. Unfortunately on Thursday night around 3am Brandon and I both woke up with the worst stomach ache ever. Not long after that, both of us were throwing up and it didn't stop till Friday evening. We knew we had food poisoning since we both had McDonald's fries the night before, and we commented to each other on how we didn't feel so good after eating them. I won't be going back there for a long, long time which is good since I don't go there very often anyway.

By Saturday late morning we were both feeling much better so we decided to head down to S.D! We met my family at Sea World and of course the first stop was to see ELMO, not Shamu, but ELMO, just for Caden. Their Sesame Street Bay of Play was so cool and so perfect for Caden, lots to do for his age!!

Sunday we took our time checking out of the hotel and headed to Seaport Village for some lunch and shopping, and then it was back home to Torrance. It really turned out to be such a fun weekend!!

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