Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July!

We started the day very low key, since we knew we would all be up late. Brandon took Caden to the donut store for the first time. I thought Caden would have gone crazy over having a donut but, no he took one bite and then was over it....typical though.  After a real breakfast we went and played outside for a little while. He really enjoys playing the backyard these days!!

Later that day after Caden had his nap, we headed over to my brother's house to start the fesivities!!! Tons of yummy food, pool time, dancing, more yummy food, playing and then fireworks! We had a wonderful 4th of July spending with family and friends.

Daddy showing Caden how to blow bubbles
Now Caden's turn :)

Ernie showing Caden how to play the drums!
Dancing....Let's get this party started!!
Time for dinner
Hanging with the girls!

Time to head home!

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