Sunday, September 5, 2010

Caden and flash cards

Caden's off to preschool

I'm a little behind on posting this. Caden officially started preschool August 24th. The first day was a meet and greet. He met his teachers, friends, and saw his classroom. He loved it so much that when it was time to leave he didn't want to go.
Thursday was the day he'd be going to school without mommy and daddy. The night before I put him to bed, we talked all about what he was going to be doing, and how much fun he was going to have at school!
That morning when I dropped him off he was so excited. We did our usual goodbyes which is nose kisses, butterfly kisses, kiss, and then hug. Then he turned to me and said "Bye Mom" I about lost it when he did that. Guess it was time for Brooklyn and I to leave, even though I kind of wanted to stay for a few more minutes. He was so confident and happy that It almost made me feel like he didn't need me anymore (even though I know he does) I walked out of the school in tears even after telling myself that I wasn't going to for months! I am so happy I have Brooklyn to spend that time with now.

As of today, he is still loving it and is really enjoying all the new things he's learning. The school has been telling me that he's a very independent little boy for his age, and how well he's adapted, like he's been coming here for years now. That sure makes me a proud mommy!! Brooklyn has been enjoying all the attention, but when it's time to pick up Caden she is soooooo sooooo happy to have her brother back home!

Looking at his shadow
Ready for school!
In front of his school!
Caden showing his backpack off to his teachers
Mommy helping trace Caden's hand for his family tree
Look at my family!!!!
Getting to know his teacher Mrs. Allen
Are you there Maw Maw and Paw Paw?
The school rabbits!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Making Deals

Look at these two talking on the phone...

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I love these kids, they just bring so much joy to my life!!! Just hanging out on a Saturday late afternoon!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Carlsbad and Legoland

Last Weekend we took a trip down to Carlsbad to hang out. Friday we spent some time at the beach in our clothes and not suites...Big mistake, we thought we were only going to play in the sand but ended up in the water :-) Saturday we were at Legoland all day and Sunday we did a little shopping at the outlets! It was indeed a fun weekend and a great success with the potty training even though I got peed on and Brandon suddenly felt something warm on his side while carrying Caden to the bathroom. Guess Caden didn't make it in time (our fault on this one)... LOL

Carlsbad Beach

Daddy being silly
Legoland Begins...

They have legos that you can play with while waiting in line

Asleep on schedule!
Mini Cities. Daytona 500

So excited!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Worldess Wednesday

Married 2007
Caden 2008
Our New Home 2009

Brooklyn 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If you only knew Caden

So Caden has a favorite blanket and bunny. These 2 items are so important to him, and he doesn't let anyone touch them (including his little sister) or even let you wash them. It's sad, but I have to sneak them away to wash them, and when I do he totally knows that they've been clean. So the other day Caden was outside washing the car with his daddy. Before he went outside he put both of them on the steps and went out. I was in the other room and I could hear Brooklyn laughing and making funny noises, I walked over to check on her and found her with a BIG smile and these 2 items in her hand. HAHA I couldn't stop laughing because she's always trying to steal them, and he never lets her, and she finally got them!!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

What we've been up to

The end of July has been so nice and relaxing, don't get me wrong I enjoy being busy, but sometimes it's nice to just hang out.

This last week we finished up Caden swimming class at the Claremont Club. I really enjoyed taking him and seeing how much he enjoyed being in the water. He wasn't afraid, and he actually surprised me on how much he just wanted to try and learn to swim on his own. So proud of my little fish :) I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer in the pool!!!

Our weather has been on the cooler side, so we've been able to enjoy being outside more :) Friday we had dinner at home and then heading out for a walk to get some Ice Cream (which by the way if you live in Upland or Rancho you gotta try Yogiyo Frozen Ice Cream) After we enjoyed that, we thought it would be fun to walk over to Pet Smart to check out the fish and birds. Caden loved talking to the birds, and Brooklyn was really excited to watch the fish swim all around. I get a feeling she's gonna want a fish as her first pet. This little girl goes crazy when she gets near a fish tank or aquarium :)

After that we headed back home. We started walking, and then I said lets run home. Brandon looked at me like I was nuts...He said, we just had ice cream, and now you want to run home. So we did and It felted so good. Since I've been working out I feel like I need another challenge besides my weight training. I've been kind of thinking of running in a 5K Marathon. Not sure when or where, but I think it would be really great for us to do this together. I hate running, but think this would be fun. So, on my off days I've been trying to run outside with the kids. I ran a mile the other day and about died. Pushing Caden and Brooklyn in that double stroller is hard work. I have to thank my Ipod and the kids snacks for helping me get through it. The funny thing is running a mile on the treadmill is super easy for me, but try adding the kids weight and a few toys and WOW that's a work out. I'll keep you posted if that 5K Marathon really happens :)

Lots of fun things are coming up. Caden starts school on the August 24th :-O He's excited and so am I. We've got the potty thing down...Yahoooooo! Then in September it's my (~~cough~~ 32nd birthday) YIKES!!!! Then it's Brookie's 1st birthday, I can't believe it, my baby girl is turing the big 1. I'm really excited that Larry and Laurie will be in town for that!! We'll be planning a small birthday party with mostly family and a few friends. Then in October Brandon's brother Ryan and his son will come and spend a weekend with us. The kids will have sooooo much fun. November we'll be going to St. Louis for Thanksgiving, and looking forward to that. It's been, I think 4 or 5 years since we've been there for Thanksgiving, so Brandon is so excited to finally be home for what is his favorite holiday!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Baby Girl, Brooklyn 10 months!

Where has the 10 months gone????

Ready to start taking pictures!
~~~Funny Face~~~
Love This Big Smile

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mama needs a vacation but these things keep me happy

**Update on Caden** We're on day 5 of potty training. Wow, this morning I was about to give up (not really, but thought about it for a half of second). When he woke up this morning we went in to do our normal "let's go potty" and he refused. He said he can't, and didn't want to, after talking about how he was a big boy, and that they don't let you wear diapers to preschool, and how he gets a gummy, and so on with all the positivity I could give him, finally 20 minutes later he finally agreed to go. Uh, so frustrating!! But reminding myself to be patience kind of helps!!!

Then it was time to head to the gym, I reminded him that when he had to go potty that he let one of the ladies there know (he knows them well). After an hour I came back and didn't see him, one of the ladies told me that he was going potty. So excited, I walked over quietly to the bathroom, peeked my head in, and sure enough he was washing his hands since he had just finished going potty. OMG, you have no idea how excited I was. Right there in the bathroom we started doing the potty dance, and he ran out and told all the kids...What a huge boost this was for him and for me. Now I know that he gets it, and he just need to go and do it himself, or tell someone that he has to go potty :-)

Things I love...that make me happy!

Skinmate Moisturizing Cream Shave
Gillette Venus Razors
Reef Sandals
Sabra Hummas
Galeo's Miso Dressing
SmartPop! Popcorn
Crystal Light Pure Fitness
Packin' SMART snack containers for my kids
Kate Spade Stevie handbag
Champion sports bras and fitness pants
Gummy Bears
OPI Nail colors

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How cool is this!!

The Toothman Kids!
(Back to front)
Brad, Chris, Me, and Michael
**I have the original picture somewhere that I need to post**
How cute is this!! My mother made this out of clay from a picture when we were younger of me and my brothers in their baseball uniforms at Sunnyslope Little Leauge in San Gabriel. I don't have a jersey on, since I was probably to young to play yet.

Sunday, my family and I went over to my grandmothers house to clean it out, and go through her items since she passed. I was feeling a bit anxious on the drive over not knowing what to feel or expect. But after a few hours of going through her things I started to feel better especially since there were quite a few items that were either my moms, or that my aunt said my mom wanted, or even an item from a trip they took together.

Which comes to this picture. I can't believe my grandma had this in a little plastic bag with other little things in it. Me and my brother are broken on it, but I can totally glue it and put us back together. My cousin came across it, and I'm so glad she did, because as I look at this It brings so many great memories and it make me smile!!!!

On to some other cool stuff. We are on day 4 of potty training Caden. He's been doing very well, he's had a few accidents, and was holding his poop for a few days and finally went today!! I never thought I would get so excited to see poop :) This will be a process, but I'm really excited that I don't have to change his diapers anymore since in the last month it was very challenging.
Caden having dinner out when he spent the night away from us at Kimm and Chris house!

I'm also very excited report that I have lost 30 pounds since I started working out in April. I've worked really hard to lose that weight and I'm not done losing!!! I still would like to lose more weight, but so happy that I'm feeling GREAT, can fit into clothes from pre kids, dedicated to the gym 5-6 days a week, and making better food choices.

Brooklyn is growing up way too fast for me. She is surfing the furniture, babbling up a storm, and singing back at you when you start a sing a song. She knows how to wave hi, clap her hands and blow kisses. The best part is that she is such a great eater, and will just about eat anything you put in front of her, and anyone who knows Caden knows what a great eater he is....HaHa NOT!

Smiling for 4th of July!

Brandon is just busy working. He's been working 4/10hr days and It's been really nice having him home every Friday. I'll be sad when school starts and he's back to his normal work schedule and also working some sporting events.
Night out with the neighbors at a local piano bar